As stated on the official website:
TypeScript extends JavaScript by adding types.
By understanding JavaScript, TypeScript saves you time catching errors and providing fixes before you run code.
TypeScript can't target WebAssembly, however AssemblyScript is a subset of TypeScript designed for WebAssembly.
Current state​
Currently, there's no Kubewarden SDK for AssemblyScript. Resources permitting, we hope to have on in the near future.
However, there are limitations affecting AssemblyScript:
- There's no built-in way to serialize and deserialize Classes to and from JSON. See this issue
- It seems there's no JSON path library for AssemblyScript
This GitHub repository branch has a Kubewarden Policy written in AssemblyScript.
This repository has a series of GitHub Actions that automate the following tasks:
- Run unit tests and code linting on pull requests and after code is merged into the main branch
- Build the policy in
mode and push it to an OCI registry as an artifact