As stated on the official website:
TypeScript extends JavaScript by adding types.
By understanding JavaScript, TypeScript saves you time catching errors and providing fixes before you run code.
TypeScript cannot be converted to WebAssembly, however AssemblyScript is a subset of TypeScript designed explicitly for WebAssembly.
Current State​
Currently there's no Kubewarden SDK for AssemblyScript. We haven't created it because of lack of time. We will do that in the near future.
In the meantime, there seem to be some limitatations affecting AssemblyScript:
- There's no built-in way to serialize and deserialize Classes to and from JSON. See this issue
- It seems there's no JSON path library for AssemblyScript
This GitHub repository contains a Kubewarden Policy written in AssemblyScript.
Worth noting: this repository has a series of GitHub Actions that automate the following tasks:
- Run unit tests and code linting on pull requests and after code is merged into the main branch
- Build the policy in
mode and push it to an OCI registry as an artifact